Social Media Marketing, a dynamic component of digital marketing strategies, provides an effective platform for brands to interact with their target audiences, increase brand awareness, and promote their products or services. Social media allows brands to communicate with their audiences in real-time through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platforms. This strategy strengthens the brand’s digital presence and increases customer loyalty through posts, content, campaigns, and interactions. Social media offers brands an innovative engine and the ability to instantly connect with potential customers in a rapidly changing digital world. Social Media Marketing includes a wide range of strategies, from content creation to influencer collaborations, from advertising campaigns to organic sharing.


Today, products and services are promoted free of charge using many social media channels. Communities formed by target audiences are managed. Shares are made via social media channels to drive traffic to the website. The features and uses of social media are changing day by day. For this reason, marketing rules are constantly changing on social media. Brands that are aware of the change and share accordingly receive a lot of interaction from their customers.

Facebook is ideal for brand awareness and ad sharing. It can be preferred to reach both Generation X and Generation Y.  Worldwide, its daily use is quite common. It has been the most established social media channel since 2004. Facebook is ideal for collecting potential customers and increasing product and service sales.

What can be done with Facebook?
  • A business or brand page is created.
  • Information about the business can be presented in the description section.
  • Contact information can be provided by sharing the URL, phone number, or e-mail address.
  • Traffic can be generated from followers through shared links and URL links.
  • Trust can be created in the target audience by creating verified pages (blue tick).
  • An advertising account for the business can be created with Meta Business Suite.
  • Impressive campaigns can be prepared with Facebook Ads.
  • Target audience identification can be made with Meta Insights.
  • By defining a target, communication activities can be carried out for brand awareness, brand image, or customer services.
  • Content in many different formats can be shared from the business page.
  • Group pages can be created in accordance with the structure of the business.
  • The company’s commercial sales channel can be created using Facebook Marketplace.
  • Ads are tested and analyzed with the code placed on the website using Meta Pixel.
  • Any content can be turned into an ad by boosting the post.
  • Live chats can be held using Facebook Messenger chatbots.
  • All ads published on Facebook are checked with the help of the Facebook Ads Library.

Instagram has reached 1 billion monthly active users. Suitable for B2C business models. Generations Y and Z are dominant. Attempts are made to attract customers’ attention with visually striking posts. With the advanced e-commerce feature, brands can both promote and sell their products through a single channel.

What can be done with Instagram?
  • Photos, videos, carousel images, reels, and stories can be shared organically.
  • Paid promotional models such as Story Ads or Shopping Ads can be used.
  • Shop tabs, product labels, and catalogs can be created as shopping tools.
  • By opening a business account, you can have a professional account, unlike a personal account.
  • By getting verified badges, a reassuring account view can be provided for customers.
  • With the Feature Post option, posts can be shown to large audiences for a fee.
  • More specific advertising efforts can be initiated by creating an advertising campaign.
  • E-commerce, product tagging, and product link options are available with Instagram Shopping.
  • By using hashtags, the chances of the content appearing on the explore screen can be increased.
  • Customers can be contacted via content comments and DM.
  • Intimate events can be created with Instagram live broadcasts.
  • As influencer marketing, collaborations can be made with accounts with high followers on Instagram.
  • Organic interaction can be increased by organizing contests.

Twitter(X) is a text-based social media channel with 210 million daily active users worldwide. Generation Y is dominant. It is suitable for B2B and B2C business models. Ideal for brands’ after-sales service, PR work, or community management. Twitter is also useful for checking trends and understanding what is being talked about and gaining popularity.

What can be done with Twitter(X)?
  • A Twitter professional account can be opened for the brand.
  • Post and page-specific research can be done using Twitter(X) Analytics.
  • A brand-specific page can be created with a profile photo and biography.
  • A content competitor analysis can be performed by researching rival Twitter accounts.
  • With the social media style guide, how the brand will speak and the use of hashtags and emojis can be determined.
  • The tone of responses and how to act in the event of a PR crisis can be determined in advance.
  • With Twitter Trends, you can learn which topic, phrase, or hashtag is gaining popularity.
  • Groups consisting of target audiences can be created with Twitter(X) Circle.
  • People with common interests can be brought together with Twitter(X) Communities.
  • Voice chat rooms can be created with iOS users with Twitter(X) Spaces.
  • The post you want to highlight with a pinned tweet can be moved to the top.
  • By determining the voice and tone of the brand, posts with consistent discourses can be made.
  • With Twitter surveys, questions and feedback are received from target audiences.
  • With Twitter(X) threads, consecutive tweets on the same subject can be posted.
  • By using hashtags, you can take an active part in popular or niche topics.
  • By doing social listening, you can examine what customers are talking about the brand.
  • Goals such as target audience growth, product promotions, or driving traffic to the website are achieved with Twitter Ads.
  • These are shortcodes added to links with UTM parameters.

LinkedIn is a social media channel preferred by working professionals who want to network and evaluate new opportunities related to their work. It is very efficient for recruiting and B2B businesses. Creating a relevant community related to the industry is possible with LinkedIn. It is very useful for brands to promote themselves effectively on business platforms.

What can be done with LinkedIn?
  • Data about the target audience is obtained through LinkedIn Analytics.
  • Showcase pages are important for large organizations to make their internal marketing effective.
  • Employees can be encouraged to frequently share the company page as a link.
  • Job postings can be created as an employer brand.
  • Long articles can be shared as thought leadership articles.
  • You can respond to comments and create a chat environment with customers.
  • Employees can be enabled to create content for the company using common hashtags.
  • Direct messages can be sent to people who are considered potential employees or customers.

TikTok is growing as a platform preferred by many young people today. It is on its way to becoming an alternative platform for the promotion of products and services. In addition to TikTok advertising, videos shared organically have a high probability of going viral. This allows brands to gain brand awareness most appropriately.

What can be done with TikTok?
  • Business TikTok accounts can help potential customers find the brand.
  • With TikTok advertising, ads can be prepared based on the bidding model.
  • Views can be gained organically with branded content.
  • Branded hashtag contests can be organized.
  • Stickers and filters can be offered to users as brand effects.
  • Trend-setting content can be prepared with branded hashtag challenges.
  • You can benefit from the popularity of TikTok influencers by collaborating with them.


Brands aim to be closer to their potential customers by taking part in social media channels. They interact with their customers, talk to them, identify their needs, and revise their products and services accordingly. Additionally, social media accounts have become the primary medium through which companies announce their innovations. Nowadays, customers browse brands’ social media channels before purchasing a product or service. The importance of two-way communication between brands and their customers is increasing day by day. Brands take steps to create brand loyalty through communication through social media.

Social media management activities include content planning and creation, content publishing, analysis, social media monitoring and listening, community management, and social media advertising. Before all these activities, it is necessary to create a strategy for social media marketing. Who are the target audiences, what are the goals and KPIs, what is the content strategy, what are the criteria for community management, and what is the status of the competition? It would be wrong to start social media marketing without answers to all these questions. Communication activities carried out with a correct social media strategy will lead to increased brand loyalty, expanded audiences, increased interaction, and increased brand awareness.

Some management tools should be used to make it easier to manage social media channels, the number of which increases day by day. Planned social media management using the right tools allows fewer mistakes to be made, time management, strategic continuity, and balanced processing of topics throughout the year. This way, it is possible to run campaigns at the right time. Determining priorities and goals is an important factor in choosing a social media management tool. How many social media accounts will be managed? How much time per day will be devoted to social media? How often will social media posts be shared? Is an employee or team available for moderation? These and similar questions will determine which tool will be chosen for social media management.

Each social media channel has a specific page structure. Profile images, cover photos, descriptions, contact sections, link-sharing areas, sharing images and text structures of the channels are different from each other. When a brand’s social media account is opened, these fields must first be filled in correctly and content styles must be determined. The brand’s social media accounts are then connected to the vehicles to be managed from a single interface. The tools’ visual content calendars enable quick management and sharing. This helps posts be made quickly, shared on a set day and time, and ensures consistency. Thus, their posts will be planned daily, monthly, and yearly all at once. Automatically sharing posts as planned will allow for more creative and interesting content to be prepared.


Social media marketing is ideal for increasing brand awareness and improving relationships with customers. Increasing website traffic, achieving more conversions, or gaining more followers is possible with a good social media content plan. Social media marketing, which is a cost-effective type of marketing, enables small businesses to compete with large companies. It allows brands to convey their values, character, and purpose to customers. Brands have to be educational and engaging when talking about themselves. In order for social media users to be informed about the brand, they must encounter eye-catching content. Standing out from the communication bombardment on social media with catchy communication is only possible with interesting content.

Planning is very critical in social media marketing. Posts to be made on social media should be planned in advance in accordance with the strategy. Only in this way can social media marketing be used beneficially for the brand. Content types change every day depending on trends, and interesting ideas are shared from brands’ accounts to attract users’ attention. The structure of social media channels is different from each other. Today, the social media channels that internet users browse for entertainment or information differ from each other. Knowing this, marketers try to meet the needs of customers by preparing content in accordance with the structures of social media channels. Brands need to clarify their goal before determining the content type. These goals could be brand awareness, website traffic, sales, or getting engaged.

After the selected social media channel, it is necessary to decide on the type of content that is suitable for that platform and will increase interaction. Content types should be selected in accordance with the social media channel, user demand, and needs. A blog post, a technical whitepaper, a TikTok video, or a 15-second story… Anything shared on social media in different formats can be content. In the simplest sense, content is things produced for information and entertainment. Shared content may vary in length, duration, format, or size depending on the structure of the channel. The important thing is to produce content that suits the needs of the target audience. For this, before starting content production, social listening should be done to investigate what kind of content competitors share and what type of content potential customers are interested in.

3 main content types: educational, entertaining, inspirational

Educational content is content that aims to inform customers about a specific subject. Brands positioned as leaders, experts, or pioneers build trust in the perception of their target audiences through educational shares. Contents can provide information about the product. It can explain service details. It can explain how to provide post-purchase support. Opinions of customers who have experienced the product can be obtained. It can be clarified how the problem was solved. Frequently asked questions from customers can be answered in educational videos. The results of a survey can be shared with an infographic table.

Entertainment content is the most common type of content that allows users to have an enjoyable time. Brands try to attract attention by entertaining their target audiences with enjoyable videos. Trends are critical to determining entertaining content. Current events, special days, or popular topics can be followed to create entertaining content. Fun videos have a high chance of going viral. The important thing is to produce content that will not contradict the brand’s character. It would be wrong for a company making a serious brand positioning to share intensely entertaining content.

Inspiring content is life-filled content that people enjoy watching, reading, or listening to, and which increases their awareness. Brands adopt certain feelings and lifestyles. Every lifestyle has some aspects that inspire people and are worth exploring. Brands try to attract attention with posts that will attract the attention of potential customers.

Types of content that can be used in social media marketing

Content is the most critical issue in social media marketing. No matter how the website and social media channels are planned in accordance with the brand strategy, it is the content that will create interaction. Each channel has its own content format. The important thing is to find out in which format the specified content type is more interesting. The number of content types is not limited. Any topic or theme can be created with many types of content. Depending on trends and popular culture, content types differ day by day, and the intensity of interest changes.

  • Cultural contents
  • Company news
  • Product and service announcements
  • User-generated content
  • Thought leadership content
  • Competitions
  • Quizzes and surveys
  • Interviews
  • References and reviews
  • Case studies
  • Quotes and comments
  • Product shipments
  • Influencer collaborations
  • Press releases
  • Campaigns
  • Guests
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Product

When choosing a content type, the important thing to consider is the balanced distribution of the content within the annual and monthly plans, depending on the strategy. Content created by users gives trust to the brand. Referring to thought leaders in content increases brand authority. Increasing followers on social media is possible with competition and competition content. The number of participants can be increased with exams and survey questions. Content that shows the product or service being used by customers positively affects potential customers. Inspirational quotes are the simplest way to show how a brand thinks. Social media is a marketing channel that is always open to development. Brands that know what their target audiences want, produce content in line with trends, and improve their content with analysis will be successful.


Content to be shared organically on social media channels can be prepared and shared in many different formats. The important thing is to share the content in the most appropriate format. There are many different sharing formats on social media channels. While some channels are suitable for video sharing, written content attracts more attention on some channels. After choosing the most suitable social media channels for the brand, it is necessary to ensure that the most appropriate content is shared in the most appropriate formats. There are 5 social media content formats.

Text: The most intense content format used in social media is text. However, the most difficult content format to consume is text. Blog posts, LinkedIn informative paragraphs, Medium articles, and Facebook and Twitter text shares can be given as examples of this format. The texts provide detailed information about the offer. It is very effective in search marketing. Links are text. It is easier to prepare and takes less time than other formats.

Visual: All kinds of pictures, photographs, charts, infographics, and cartoons used on social media are visual format shares. Using the right photography is the most frequently used method to make the idea interesting to the target audience. Nowadays, social media channels that focus on visual sharing are increasing and attracting more attention. Instagram is the most popular social media channel that supports photo sharing. Blog posts contain at least 1 descriptive image. Facebook has been functional for mass photo sharing since day one. Pinterest is very suitable for creating visual archives. Images are more eye-catching than texts. Although not as easy to create as text, it is faster to consume than any other format. For images to be included in search engines, it is necessary to add textual descriptions.

Video: Social media channels are constantly improving their software to further improve video content consumption. Today, every brand doing social media marketing wants to increase video sharing rates. Live video sharing is increasing its popularity day by day. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. It is very easy to consume. It is not as easy to produce as text and visual formats. YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIn Slideshare, Periscope, or blogs are suitable for video sharing. Videos are the most effective format for capturing the attention of viewers.

Audio: Audio files have become frequently used as a type of format in social media marketing. Interviews are the most intensive sharing where audio files are used. Audio recordings of blog posts provided an alternative experience to reading the articles. Music is an indispensable part of marketing communication. It is possible to convey the idea or topic to the target audience with high emotion by using the right music. Podcasts are a type of content whose popularity increases day by day. Regularly created podcasts are a type of content shared on many social media channels. Podcasts listened to on iTunes and e-books purchased on Amazon show the current popularity of audio use.

Presentation: Presentation of information with visual and textual elements for an instructive purpose. It is integrated into social media and shared. Blogs on websites are very suitable for presentations. Presentations are formats in which information is presented in detail. It increases searchability. It can be used effectively, especially in B2B business models, on platforms where products and services are explained in detail. The impressiveness of presentations can be increased with professional graphic design support.

Facebook content formats:
  • Photo/Video
  • photo album
  • Photo Carousel
  • Slideshow
  • Canvas
  • Facebook Reels
  • Facebook Story
  • Facebook Ads
  • Phone Call
  • Offer
  • Note
  • Text-Based Post
  • Message
  • Events
  • Facebook Live
  • Podcast
  • Facebook Live Audio Room
Instagram content formats:
  • Feed Photo/Video
  • Story
  • Real
  • Instagram Ads
  • Live Video
  • Guide
  • Instagram Shopping
Twitter(X) content formats:
  • Text
  • Retweet
  • Hashtag
  • Photo
  • Video
  • Slideshare
  • News Summary
  • Link
  • Twitter Ads
  • Twitter Live
LinkedIn content formats:
  • Articles
  • Native Video
  • Text-Only Post
  • LinkedIn Poll
  • Carousel
  • Images
  • Multi Image
  • Document
  • Story
  • Celebration
  • Live Video
  • Events
Tiktok content formats:
  • In-Feed Video
  • TopView Video
  • Brand Takeover
  • Branded Effect
  • Branded Hashtag Challenge

Many content formats can be used to attract the audience’s attention. The important thing is to choose the format that best suits the content. It is necessary to understand the structure of social media channels correctly. Social media channels are suitable for sharing content in different formats. The same information can be shared in multiple formats. While a brand’s values can be expressed textually on Twitter, they can be shared visually on Instagram. While brand value can be shared as a video on YouTube, it can be presented to the target audience in a presentation format on LinkedIn.


The primary goal of social media marketing is engagement. Social media, which has transformed from a virtual platform where friends meet each other online to an experience where brands share their important messages and come together and communicate with their customers, has become an indispensable element of marketing communication today. Today, small businesses use social media very effectively and make a significant portion of their sales through social media channels. They work positively on brand awareness by ensuring customer loyalty through social media. The aim is to ensure that messages spread organically to large audiences with many more participants.

The extent to which target audiences participate in branded content from their social media accounts determines the engagement rate. Interactivity is related to many behaviors of users on social media. Likes, favorites, comments or replies, shares, clicks, and mentions… Interaction is the best way to measure the communication efforts of brands on social media channels. The number of followers on a social media channel never indicates that that channel is a good one. The important thing is that the relevant target audience subscribes to the channel. From this perspective, it can be said that quality, not quantity, is more important for social media.

Before making moves to increase interaction, it is necessary to analyze the current situation well. How many shares are being shared? How many likes do you get per share on average? What types of content are liked or shared on an average monthly basis? This situation assessment will show which content type and format receives how much interaction and is working. Since each brand’s strategy and expectations from social media marketing will be different, the targets set for interaction will also be different. Knowing which social media channels the target audience is on, when they are more active on social media, and the type and format of content they like will provide important data for brands to create a correct strategy.

Engagement is the positive reactions users give to the content. Customers must be given specific opportunities to make a response. Nowadays, brands try many types of content to get engagement. These include surveys, questions, quizzes, and competitions. This type of content is very effective in increasing customer engagement. To understand which content really works, it is necessary to share and watch the content. This is the best way to find out what content can generate what kind of interaction. Brands don’t always ask their own questions. Sometimes they plan to attract the attention of target audiences by commenting on current topics. The types of content that users interact with the most are current posts. Users find the reactions of brands to current issues interesting. When users start to see brands as people, they increase the interaction rate. Likewise, brands that respond quickly to comments gain a positive image in the eyes of customers. Instead of answering questions manually, the entire workload can be controlled through a single application using social media tools.

Comments, likes, or shares… Each of them has a numerical value. Putting these numbers together and transforming them into meaningful interpretations shows the extent to which the interaction is taking place. The success of brands is tried to be measured with social media analytics. There are various tools for this. Facebook Analytics shares numerical data about reach and engagement, actions, contacts, views, and posts. Twitter shares analytics results on topics related to engagement rate, reach percentage, link clicks, and optimal post time. With Instagram Insight, audience demographics, optimal times, and popular content can be checked. Audience demographics, profile views, and content statistics can be accessed through Tiktok Analytics.


Social media monitoring is a method used to analyze which hashtags, comments, likes or keywords related to the brand, product, and sector are used by potential customers. By monitoring these analyses, the assets of the brands that month are revealed. With sector-based monitoring, it is understood what percentage of conversations about the sector are with the brand (social share of voice). It is understood whether the tone of these conversations is positive or negative (social sentiment analysis). It is discovered which hashtags and keywords work to increase reach (relevant hashtags and keywords). What potential customers are talking about is revealed (trends). Discovering what customers are interested in, what they say, and what they find interesting on social media protects brands from making mistakes. These very complex processes can be solved more easily with professional monitoring tools produced for this purpose. Hootsuite, Nexalogy, Mentionlytics

Social media monitoring, in its simplest terms, is using some tools to track, filter, and discover conversations based on keywords or searches on social media. While research can be done with monitoring tools, comments can also be responded to without switching to social media platforms. The main difference with social listening is that the scope of social media monitoring is more limited than the other. By monitoring we mean monitoring and management activities on a daily basis. Comment liking, chatting, and replying are social media monitoring. Listening is seeing the bigger picture. It is to make general comments by looking at the data collected monthly or annually. Thus, an insight into the sector, target audience, and competitors is obtained. Information about trends is gained, new opportunities are discovered, and a possible social media crisis is prevented by creating proactive crisis scenarios.

If we need to take a closer look at the differences between social media monitoring and social listening;
  • Social media monitoring provides a retrospective perspective, while social listening provides a future perspective.
  • While social media monitoring collects information, social listening creates analysis from this information.
  • Social media monitoring focuses on details, while social listening tries to see the big picture.
  • While social media monitoring measures success, social listening provides a guide for strategy.
The most ideal tools for social media monitoring:
  • Meltwater
  • Hootsuite
  • SproutSocial
  • Brand24
  • Mention
  • Analyze Buffer
The issues to consider when monitoring social media are as follows:

Social media monitoring can be done easily and professionally using a variety of tools, but it can also be done manually. When choosing a vehicle, you can start working with one of the suitable vehicles by using the list above. It should be determined which words customers or potential followers use to reach the brand. Branded hashtags, slogans, managers, product names, or company names are the first searches that come to mind. This research for the brand should be further expanded by including sector, market, and competitor searches. Sectoral hashtags, communities, keywords, or locations… When choosing a tool, it is necessary to be careful to choose tools that can perform all these searches at the same time. Also, checking feeds regularly is the golden rule of social media monitoring.

The issues to be considered when doing social listening are as follows:

Before brands start social listening, they need to determine their success criteria correctly. While paid listening tools can be used, free tools such as Google Alerts can also be used. For multi-channel listening, paid tools should be used to analyze the data correctly. Excessive data will make tracking difficult. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the correct data is listened to. Keywords can be used to categorize conversations. The data obtained as a result of listening should be used to be effective in strategies. As a result of listening, the issues that make customers happy or unhappy should be identified and changes should be made in these areas. Unlike tracking, social monitoring requires scanning many social media channels together. Thus, potential customers are revealed. Customer experience is increased in the desired direction.

The most ideal tools for social media monitoring:
  • Hootsuite
  • HubSpot
  • Sprout
  • Clarabridge


Moderation is a form of management in which brands manage the messages, comments, and content created by followers on their social media accounts. Social media accounts are social areas where followers can comment. The moderation team prevents unwanted sharing by preventing trolls and bot accounts. In this way, the problems of the followers who want to communicate with the brand are resolved without any interruption. Additionally, swearing and aggressive attitudes that may appear in comments are prevented.

Social media accounts have become customer service units of companies. Before social media, customers tried to answer their brand-related questions by calling hotlines. This was a difficult way of communicating for brands and their customers. Today, social media serves as customer service with comment and direct message features. Just like customer service, the moderation team must carefully answer and record customer problems. If questions concern other departments, customers should be directed to the relevant department. The important thing is to respond to messages, whether from comments or direct messages, without wasting too much time. This also positively affects the brand image. It has also been proven that reviews have a direct impact on sales.

Points to consider when moderating are:

The entire moderation process should be clarified by introducing certain rules. An outlined moderation management is beneficial for brand image. Who consists of the moderation team? Which comments will be responded to in what manner? What comments will be blocked? How often will you respond? Is there a specific answer template? How will the issues beyond the moderation team be handled? How will the issue be moved to other departments? The answers to all these questions should have been given beforehand. In this way, crises can be prevented and the brand will not encounter unexpected surprises. Every comment made on social media should be responded to appropriately. If the issue or complaint is so complex that it cannot be answered through comments, the customer should be invited to a different communication platform. Words that do not want to appear in comments should be determined through filtering. Automatic answers are ideal for time management and quick resolution of specific questions.

Some recommended tools for moderation include:
  • Hootsuite
  • Respondology
  • BrandFort
  • Smart moderation


Live chats are software developed to provide real-time communication to customers visiting social media or the website. Live chats are very advantageous for brands doing social media-based marketing. It takes more than just a social media team to provide a full-service customer support service. The social media team will not be sufficient to cover all customer support services. Additionally, live chatbots supported by automation and integration are ideal for quickly resolving specific customer issues. Live chats appear as drop-down menus not only on social media but also in the bottom corners of websites. Nowadays, live chats that work integrated with social media are very popular. Brands provide instant information through live chats on the platforms where they come together with their customers.

The advantages of using live chat on websites or social media channels are:
  • By using automation, representatives are prevented from being able to instantly answer questions from live chats.
  • Live chats provide the opportunity to respond to multiple customers at the same time.
  • Whether it is an automatic answering system or a live customer representative, live chats are the platforms where problems can be resolved fastest.
  • Customers leave happy from platforms where their problems are resolved quickly. This means increased loyalty to the brand.
  • Customers go through various steps to purchase a product. Customers who need more specific information to make a purchasing decision can access this information with the help of live chats.
  • Customers with private questions avoid voicing such questions on open platforms. Live chats are platforms where customers can ask their questions more easily.
  • Live chats for remarketing are very useful for collecting customer data.
  • Links shared in live chats allow customers to quickly navigate to the desired link without leaving the platform.

Nowadays, brands plan to communicate with their active customers by integrating live chats into their social media. In addition, profiles of customers coming through social media channels are revealed. There are many live chat software available today. Although there is diversity, the purposes of the software are similar. Live chat software is integrated into websites or social media channels. There are ready-made answers in live chats supported by automation. These answers are guided answers for customers to solve their specific questions faster. There is also a form in live chats. Certain forms can be filled out by the customer without requiring agents to actively participate in the conversation. The forms examined by the brand are very important in determining which issues customers have problems with. When the live chat is completed, the quality of the chat can be measured with a survey to be shared with customers.