Combining a creative idea with a specific art form creates a new concept. To create this concept, it is necessary to go through a certain creative process. This is a comprehensive collaboration involving many departments and disciplines in the creative process. The entire process after determining the brand strategy and digital marketing plan is the creative process. Each creative process varies depending on the customer’s demand and specific goal. In general, a creative process consists of research and planning, concept development, design and implementation, testing, and improvement stages. After all these processes, the output is shared with the customer and shared through mass media with approval.

During the creative process, skills such as creative problem-solving, idea development, text writing, and design are used. There should be members in this team who can adapt to each other and can transition to new projects according to the needs of the customer. Before the creative production process, creative operations must be carried out completely. Creative operations are the top management that organizes the entire creative process, handling project management, resource allocation, and quality control issues. Ensuring that the creative team produces correctly is possible with the support of the creative operation. Creativity is an open-ended concept. The framework of what needs to be thought and revealed in creative production must be determined correctly.

While some companies create the creative production process through in-house teams, some companies receive services from agencies to carry out this process. Although creating an in-house team seems less costly, this has some pros and cons. The expertise of a team established within the company may not be as sufficient as that of agency employees. In addition, in-house teams may not adapt to changing conditions as quickly as agency employees. The subjects in which the team to be established within the company has expertise will also be limited. Companies will have to employ freelancers depending on the size of their projects. On the contrary, companies working with agencies can get the output they want from agencies, regardless of the size of their projects. Agencies include many creative individuals in different disciplines. However, companies have to bear the costs and expenses imposed on them by the agency they have agreed with.

Experts who may be involved in the creation process include:
  • Coordinator
  • Strategist
  • Creative Director
  • Copywriter
  • Art director
  • Designer
  • Video Artist
  • Programmer
  • Web designer
  • 3D Artist
  • Post Production Experts
  • Other creative experts

The creative process is a complex process that brings together different skills and expertise. Managing this process correctly from the beginning ensures that the process progresses in a higher-quality manner. The important thing is to obtain outputs that meet the brand’s exact wishes. Whether progressing with an in-house team or producing with the support of an agency, brand strategy is the fundamental basis of the creative process. Today, the increasing need for digital channels and content has made it necessary to manage creative processes in a much more organized manner. At this point, progress in the creative process must be planned correctly. The goal should be determined with clear statements. Communication among the team should be maximized. The use of technology greatly affects the creative process. Software offered to professionals today has made it possible for the creative process to occur faster and more effectively. Working in a comfortable atmosphere for creative individuals increases the quality of creative production. Creating a flexible and comfortable working environment is as important as creating the right teams.