Determining KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and metrics in brand and strategy creation processes is critical in measuring and improving success and focusing on strategic goals. KPIs are measurable data used to evaluate performance in achieving the goals set by the business. This is used to track the brand’s marketing strategies, customer experience, and overall success. For example, it can evaluate the brand’s digital presence and customer engagement by setting KPIs such as conversion rates, customer loyalty, and brand awareness for an e-commerce brand.

Metrics are more specific measurements that fall under KPIs and generally indicate how much progress is being made toward achieving a specific strategic goal. This can be used to track the effectiveness of a particular marketing campaign, social media interactions, or web traffic. This data provides valuable feedback to determine where the brand strategy is successful and where improvements need to be made. Determining KPIs and metrics creates a solid foundation for guiding, improving, and optimizing the strategy to achieve the brand’s strategic goals.


New leads per month represent the number of new customers acquired that month. What the brand has in its digital marketing target is effective here. Filling out forms, becoming a member, or creating an account can be counted as one of these goals.

Qualified monthly leads are the percentage of customers who are most ready to sell as a result of the campaign. It becomes clear whether the campaigns were effective in generating leads or just getting traffic. It is necessary to make sure that instant and correct data is received from the company’s CRM system.

Cost per lead (CPL) is the cost of acquiring a new customer. Together with the cost-per-conversion, it is measured whether the campaign is profitable or not. When we compare the money spent on marketing activities with the number of leads, we measure the cost per lead.

Cost-per-conversion refers to the proportion of costs we spend acquiring customers who have made a purchase. Since the conversion of potential customers takes time, it should be analyzed at intervals longer than a month. Marketing tools and CRM tools need to work in an integrated manner. This is how the cost to the company of acquiring a new customer is calculated.

The average conversion time, the time it takes for potential customers to make a purchase, gives the average conversion time. The higher the conversion time, the more measures must be taken to improve it. Try remarketing, time-sensitive discourse, or the use of CTAs.

The retention rate shows the number of customers who make repeat purchases. The higher the engagement rate will be. When we subtract the number of new customers acquired from the number of customers at the end of the period and divide the remaining number by the number of customers at the beginning of the period, we get the retention ratio.

The attrition rate is the percentage of customers who no longer purchase products and services.

A net recommendation score is the probability that a product or service is recommended by a customer. After-sales can be measured with surveys or emails.


Monthly website traffic describes the number of users coming to the site. It would be healthier to measure each page separately rather than the overall traffic of the site. Google Analytics is a very successful tool for website measurements.

Returning and new visitors, repeat visits to the site, and the number of new customers are taken into account to measure the interaction rates of customers. The more interesting the content on the website, the higher the number of comebacks. With remarketing, customers who have visited the site before are invited back to the site.

The number of visits per channel is used to determine the most profitable marketing channel. With the shelf topics placed in the campaigns, it can be determined from which channels the website is reached.

Average time on page is the average of how long users stay on pages. The increase in this rate is effective in increasing organic search traffic. This rate is tried to be increased with interesting content.

Website conversion rate measures the rate at which users who come to the site perform the desired behavior. Purchasing, filling out a form, and membership can be one of them.

The CTA conversion rate measures how well the calls to action are planned to contribute to the conversion work. The C2A conversion rate can be tracked through Google Analytics.

The Click-through rate on web pages is an indicator of how many clicks on the pages, links, and CTAs on the website. User movements can be observed on pages determined by website heat maps.

Pages per visit are the number of pages an average visitor views per visit. It reveals how navigable the website is.


Inbound links to a website are traffic to the website from pages with high page ranks. Tools such as Alexa and SEMrush can be used to scan the website and see all the traffic coming to the site.

Traffic from organic search is the average monthly organic traffic from search engines. Activities carried out by the algorithm and quality scores of search engines will increase this rate.

Leads from organic search are the number of customers coming from search engines who are close to buying behavior. How many potential customers come from search engines can be measured.

Conversions from organic search give the actual target conversion rate of traffic from search results. If the traffic from organic search is high but the conversion rate is low, the SEO studies with the website should be reviewed.

Page authority helps content and landing pages perform well in search engine results.

Google PageRank is a metric developed by Google to determine the importance of web pages. The quality and quantity of external links to web pages are important. Links to the website should be obtained from important sites.

Conversion rate per keyword is determining which keyword converts the most to sales or other set goals. It is necessary to make sure that the CRM system works correctly and instantly.

The number of unique keywords that drive traffic is a measure of the traffic of top-ranking keywords. You can do a detailed review of the performances of the keywords used using the tools.

The volume of traffic from video content is used to measure traffic to the site via video. Videos created for YouTube can be uploaded to the website and a video sitemap can be generated there. The number of clicks on the video on search engines is increasing day by day.


Leads and conversions from paid ads are a measure of sales or achieved goals from PPC channels. Data from Google Ads is analyzed from the Google Analytics account.

Cost-per-acquisition is a measure of the ratio of success from conversions to overall ad spend. If the budgets we pay for each conversion are high, advertising efforts need to be improved. For the campaigns to be profitable in the long run, the cost per acquisition must decrease.

The Click-through rate is an indicator of how much attention your ad work receives. A low click-through rate indicates that the ad is not engaging enough.


Traffic from social media is the measurement of traffic from social media accounts to the website. Engaging in social media campaigns, informative posts, or intriguing visuals will increase traffic to the website.

Social media leads and conversions are the numbers of customers who come from social media and display purchasing behavior. No matter how much social media is used to increase brand awareness, content that will create direct transformation can also be shared.

Conversion rate is the rate at which potential customers on social media engage in the targeted behavior. The real ROI of social media marketing is measured by this metric.

The managed audience size is also referred to as the number of followers. The number of followers on social media refers to the customers to whom the campaigns will be shown and who have the potential to receive interaction.

The engagement rate is the sum of shares, likes, clicks, and such interactions on social media. A high engagement rate indicates that customers enjoy interacting with the brand.